Aqua Adventures Opens May 24th!

Are you looking for ways to keep the holidays simple this year? Tired of the kids (and the grown-ups) getting lost in their technology, or missing out on together time because they are buried in their screens?

Here are a couple of ideas for getting the family to slow down and look at each other this Christmas. Or if not each other, at least to look at something other than their social media.

Board games

Well you’ve tried to get the family to play board games before and it failed. You pulled out Parcheesi and Monopoly. You even tried Sorry. Sure, the family does not want to play YOUR board games, but who says that is what they are limited to?

This Christmas, enlist the family on solving this problem by asking everyone to bring their own favorite games. Now you get a chance to learn from everyone else, and play some new games. And the guesswork is taken away – you already know they like the games!

Jigsaw puzzles

Another low tech way to get the family working together this Christmas visit is to set up a jigsaw puzzle table in a well-lit corner of your home. Every family has a puzzler or two, and they can enlist others to help – and so can you. All ages can get involved in matching pieces and helping build a finished project before your time together ends.

And what if you are not familiar with how proficient your family is with puzzles? Then have a few different options available. Simple 300 piece puzzles, 500 pieces puzzles, and upwards to more pieces and more complex images. Start simple and build up until you get one at your family’s skill level.

Yule log – on Youtube

There are few images at Christmas more iconic than the roaring fireplace. But what if you don’t have a fireplace? Well, then maybe you can go slightly higher tech. Play a warm, cozy fireplace … on your tv. 

Here is an 8-hour option:

Here is another, 10-hour choice:

Bring nature inside safely!

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