Aqua Adventures Opens May 24th!

If you are a fan of scary movies, then you already know the core of the Candy Man legend. You can summon the Candy Man by saying his name into […]

Imagine you are taking a shower, stopping for the night at a motel just off of the highway. A figure comes in, but you do not know who it is. […]

Does the name Freddy Krueger sound familiar? If you’re a horror fan, chances are you’ve seen images of the man in the knitted sweater and knived gloves. A Nightmare on […]

Movie fans have seen the scenes dozens of times. It is the stuff of nightmares: priests and parents surrounding a girl who squirms in her bed. Inside her, a battle […]

It’s easy to get excited about Halloween in the fall. We’re thinking about Halloween. Leaves are falling onto the ground.  Neighbors are having back yard fires.  Halloween is coming. However, […]

Jordan Peele took the world of horror by storm with the release of his film Get Out in 2017. Nominated for four Oscars, it was clear that he was in […]

In an interview with Fangoria magazine, professional wrestler Danhausen explained that as a child it took his father a long time to get his mask right on Halloween. And for […]

Clowns are a repeated character type in horror movies and television shows, showing up in titles such as American Horror Story: Freakshow, Wrinkles the Clown, Poltergeist, Killer Klowns from Outer […]

Just because it is winter does not mean that you have to leave the ghoulish fun of Halloween behind. It is a human trait to believe that everything belongs to […]

It’s November, is it too late to visit a haunted house? You love horror. You can watch the movies all year long. You are tired of battling with crowds and […]

Halloween is coming and everyone is getting ready. Freeform and other channels are planning 31 nights of scary movies – or at least Halloween-themed movies that remain family-friendly. The Hollywood […]

As fall arrives and we ramp up for Halloween season, a new crop of horror movies are being released. This all happens just in time for you and your friends […]

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