Aqua Adventures Opens May 24th!

Each Christmas, starting days after Thanksgiving, local radio stations in stores start playing Christmas carols to put us in the Christmas spirit. Unfortunately, underneath the cheerful music and positive associations […]

During the Christmas season it is traditional to give gifts to people in your life. This can be family, friends, neighbors, and even people you interact with in your daily […]

Perhaps you’ve read the history of Santa Claus. You’ve heard tales of Kris Kringle, the myth of a generous soul in a Nordic country who put pennies in the wooden […]

We know the truth. Santa Claus is real. Santa Claus lives. But who is he really, and how did he get started? Many people point to about the third century […]

As Christmas approaches, many of us begin to look forward to the beauty of the season. Decorations in windows and front yards, nativity scenes in church lawns, and, of course, […]

The Christmas spirit is alive and well inside your heart. You have fond memories of family and loved ones gathered around the Christmas tree. As a child this meant memories […]

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