Aqua Adventures Opens May 24th!

See all of the wonders of the world in one night lit up in Christmas Lights!

We’ve all been there.  You WANT to take in the lights, the music, the merriment… but you can already hear the cries of ‘mom it’s too cold’! Dad, I don’t want to walk anymore!’  At Land of Illusion Christmas Glow, we’ve got you covered.  Experience one of the true joys of the Christmas season from the coziness of your own car… humming the carols (or singing at the top of your lungs, no judgment!) … oohing and aahing at the sparkling lights… marveling at how long the kids have gone without arguing…  and remembering just how magical the Christmas season can be.   From our family to yours, Merry Christmas – we look forward to celebrating with you.

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Celebrate the season at The Christmas Glow, over 3.8 million lights at the 2-mile long Christmas Around the World drive-thru experience, visit Santa at the Christmas Village Santa Workshop or just take in the majestic lights of the 45-foot Christmas Tree as you and yours warm by the gas fire pits.

Are you excited to come visit Southwest Ohio’s largest Christmas Lights Drive-thru event? We sure are excited to have you come visit the Christmas Glow at Land of Illusion in Middletown, Ohio. The Christmas Glow welcomes visitors from all over – Cincinnati, Dayton, Lebanon and Columbus, Ohio, as well as Kentucky and Indiana. You can make this Christmas season special with the lights, shops, covered fire pits! We hope to see you soon!

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